August 17, 2018 - 8:30 pm

Fri 17 and Sat 18 Aug,2018
Rising from the echoes of myth, the time traveller appears to take us on a journey from the depth of civilisations and into different eras of our history.
At the sanctuary of Baalat Gebal, Goddess protector of Byblos, the court under King Ahiram receives the royal emissary of Pharaoh Ramses II, whose presence is honoured with the rituals of the alphabet, gift from Phoenicia to humanity.
Traveling through the sands of time, our antagonist transports us from past to present and into a typical Lebanese village where locals are gathering to the tunes of customs and tradition. A feud at the village square creates a schism which forces the elders to send for the inhabitants in the bid to quell all disputes. Much to the surprise of everyone, a forbidden love between two young hearts will reveal an unexpected twist of fate…
Finiqia, the Legend Lives On, is a tribute to this Ancient city of Byblos, where we preserve the past, to honour the present and shape the future; a musical performance which celebrates our culture and heritage and that of our ancestors, through an innovative choreography by Alissar Caracalla and a contemporary directorial approach by Ivan Caracalla.
Ivan’s youthful fascination for the magic of the stage, for the power of the music and the unification of dance through mind, body and spirit, flourished from an innocent dream and grew into a lifelong passion and discovery of the performing arts, a devotion which paved the way for his education in Theatre Arts and Film.
Upon his completion of school in London and his pursuit of higher education in Los Angeles, Ivan began his directorial steps in 1994. He developed a firm belief in the power of arts and culture on history and society and has played an integral role in developing the Caracalla Theatre to a prominent international level, a journey not only abetted by the determined guidance of Abdel Halim Caracalla, but also through Ivan’s experience with an array of leading international artists, and most notably the personal influence of the great Maestro Franco Zeffirelli.
Ivan has directed and produced his performances at leading theatres, Opera Houses and festivals around the world, and as the Caracalla Dance Theatre celebrates its 50th anniversary, he continues to work closely with his sister Alissar, to maintain together the cultural message of the Caracalla Theatre and its leading role in the Middle East and throughout the world.
“Artists are the guardians of beauty, and the bearers of creation; without them the light of humanity would be extinct.”
Ivan Caracalla